Wednesday, March 5, 2008

To Overclock is Human...

So me and my processor hit it off quite nicely. That is until I got the Urge again. Ok, you have pushed the limits of the computer hardware wise, whats next? Overclock the sucker!! Which is why after a few false starts, I got started on a forum known as The people there were really helpful, but I couldn't achieve a stable overclock of 3ghz for my Quad. I tried overvolting, undervolting, setting radical memory timings, underclocking my memory and nothing worked!! I was headed for a long journey of broken dreams...but wait!! Someone on the forums said "Try BIOS 0608." Well, this could be problem since I had upgraded my BIOS to 0803 in anticipation of using a 45nm Core 2 Duo. Most people had a lot of issues downgrading their BIOS's on this board. This guy, (name's Diddler), also was kind enough to write up of FAQ for downgrading the BIOS. Yay!! So after school a couple of days ago I got up the guts to try it. First time it didn't worked. It was because when I booted into the command prompt to downgrade the BIOS, I forgot to set the proper drive letter that the replacement BIOS was on. I tried again. This time it worked and it booted fully into Windows, no problem.

Next step, overclock!! I quickly restart my computer and boot into the downgraded BIOS and set my AI overclock to manual, my FSB to 1333 and my memory to 667 to keep a 1:1 divider on boot up. I saved the settings and what do you know? I booted fully into Windows riding on a 3ghz processer!! Oh yeah!!

But now I had to compensate for the extra heat generated by the overclock. So, I crank on an extra 92mm "booster" fan on the back of my computer and it pretty much sucked out all the heat produced. Unfortunately, that fan is REALLY LOUD!! Oh well, the price of overclocking. I can deal with it. But, before I had started this overclock I had purchased some upgrades...

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